Monday 22 November 2010

Individual Interactions

(But I also need to do some sessions on Freud)

Attribution Theory

Non-verbal communication

Parent-child relationships

      Erik Erikson

       "If a young infant's first relationship with a caregiver is loving, responsive, and consistent, the child will develop a trust in the ability of other people to eet his or her needs."

       "However, a child how has experience unresponsive, inconsistent, or unaffectionate care in infancy will most likely be more wary of mistrustful of other people."

Watch ABC study.

? What factors are important in people's deciding whether or not to help ?

? Think of groups to which you belong - your family, your friends, the band, a sports team, and so.

What effect do these groups have on how you think, act and feel?  Pick one group to which you belong and describe any influences this group has over you.  (group behaviour question!)

Love and Marriage

The idea of love without marriage is no longer shocking.

A couple developing a close and intimate relationship or even living together does not necessarily mean they are considering marriage.

The idea of marriage without love remains unpopular to most Canadians.

Marrying for convenience, companionship, financial security, or any reason that does not include love strikes most of us as impossible or at least unfortunate.

Exaggerated ideas about love may also help to explain the growing frequencies of divorce.


Passionate Love - Intense, sensual and all consuming.  It has a feeling of great excitement and of intense sexuality.  There also seems to be an element of danger that it may go away at any moment.

Compassionate Love - Includes friendship, liking someone, mutual trusting and wanting to be with them.  This love is a more stable love which includes commitment and intimacy.


Couple decides to make a formal and public commitment to each other.

Will they live 'happily ever after?'

Their chances are good if they come from similar cultural and economic backgrouds, same education and practice (or fail to) the same religion.

Better still if their parents are happily married, they had happy childhoods and they maintain good relations with their families.

Marital Problems and Divorce

Healthy adjustments to marriage seems to depend on three factors:
- Whether the couples needs are compatible
- Whether the husband and wife's images of themselves coincide with their images of each other.
- Whether they agree on the husband and wife's roles in the marriage.

External factors may make it impossible for one or both to live up to role expectations.

A man who is unemployed cannot be the good provider he wants to be and may take out his frustrations on his family.

A woman trying to hold a job and raise a family in a slum tenement may have trouble keeping clean the kitchen with a broken sink, providing good meals for her family, or keeping her children safe.


Each team must prepare strategies to debate the following question:

What is the ideal relationship to which people should aspire - passionate love or compassionate love?

Each team will not be informed of the position they will argue until the day of the debate, therefore, prepare arguments both for and against each kind of love relationship.

On debate day, a coin toss will determine which position each team will take.


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