Wednesday 10 November 2010

Good Will Hunting

Begin with an introduction to 'Cognitive Dissonance' and Aesop's story of 'Sour Grapes'.

Cognitive Dissonance with examples:


Once upon a time, a hungry fox was roaming around here and there searching for food. Because of hunger, he was feeling weak and tired. Fortunately, he came to a garden where he saw a grape-vine laden with bunches of grapes they looked quite ripe and juicy.

The fox looked at the grapes with longing eyes and licked his chops. But the bunches were too high for him and he was feeling weak. So he sat down for a while to take some rest. On feeling refreshed, he jumped as high as he could, to get at the grapes. But he failed to reach them.

Then he again rested for some time and made another bold attempt, but was unlucky for the second time.

Forced to give up trying anymore, he just walked away and instead of accepting his failure, he remarked �the grapes appeared to be ripe and juicy, but now I see them to be quite sour.�

This story, thus, proves that, people generally hate what they can�t get.

Article about cognition in Good Will Hunting

List of older Social Psych, black and white related video

Social Psychology and Film (University Course Syllabus)

See handout.  It is a little bit annoying that the language in this film is going to result in backlash.  Argh.  This probably means not using this movie next year.


500 Word Essay

a)    Linear Outline

Possible Topics to discuss:

Cognitive Dissonance in Good Will Hunting
Fear as a motivating factor
Effects of childhood on adulthood

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