Saturday 4 December 2010

Love and Marriage

Class Generated Debate Questions

Why does love die?

* Who do you thin divorce affects the most?

* Would you divorce your spouse over their appearance flaws?

* Would you marry your wife only because she is pregnant?

If your spouse is sad a lot, do you get annoyed or try to help?

* Can people with different religious backgrounds be happy together?

* Does being a single parent effect the child?

* Is sex outside of marriage wrong?

* Should family and friends influence your decision about how to peruse a relationship with?

Does divorce affect future relationships?

* Should you get married because your girlfriend is pregnant?

* If you have sex with your partner before marriage will the relationship fail?

* Should couples live together before marriage?

* Should people of the same gender be able to get married?

* Is it right or wrong to get divorced?

How long should you date before getting married (ie is it okay to date for under a year?)

* Is it better to have a relationship with someone who is compatible to you, or different than you?

Does it take a passionate or compassionate marriage to last forever?

* Do children before marriage cause a problem?

* Should gay marriages be allowed?

Should marriage have an age limit?

 To do:  Effect vs Affect

(See 'instructions' 'rubric' 'scorecard' in folder)

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