Monday 23 August 2010

Day 1 & 2

Life Maps.  I wish I still had one of mine to use as an example.

Chart the main events of your life, use appropriate symbols to signify major events.

Other ideas include the components of my OEE application.  ie - an artifact that represents yourself with accompanying explanation (typed and edited).

An interview (self-created or done in pairs as interviewee and interviewer)

Note:  Learning goal here is - "All peoples, places and things have sources of origin, or roots." Further, history, culture and people are in continual flux.  Life, history and culture are fluid.

(Note: This year as I go along, it is important to scan examplars into my blog to go with instructions.  This will save me a ridiculous amount of time in the future.  Do I need to make a life map as a way of introducing myself?)

Probably a good idea.  It can be used in all of my classes.  Digital - or otherwise?

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