Thursday 30 September 2010

Goal Setting

Letters to Self

Project Idea

This project idea may be more useful for a 'Leadership class'

Social Psychology Ideas

Project Idea

This project idea may be more useful for a 'Leadership class'

Operant Conditioning

Handout (Use for note-taking teaching)


List all of the examples of Operant Conditioning employed in school
Circle the ones that work

Reflection ?
- Do you think the use of operant conditioning in schools is a good idea?  Why or why not?

If not, how should we design a school that encourages cooperative behaviour without the castrating use of conditioning methods?


In study of SOCIAL CONDITIONING start looking at some specific real life examples.  This is the perfect place to insert a study.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Classical Conditioning

Purpose: The learner will see the effect of classical conditioning in their everyday life.
Objective: The learner will be able to define classical conditioning and identify its four parts.

I. Cue-Set: 
Have a student sit in a desk in the front of the classroom, facing the class. 
The teacher will stand behind the student with a yardstick in hand. 
The teacher will tap the desk three times then tap the student once on the head. 
The teacher does this three times, and on the fourth time taps the desk, but not the student's head. 
The class is able to see the student's reaction.

II. Classical Conditional Experiment: 
a) Students will pair up and decide who will be the subject and who will be the experimenter. 
The subject will sit and relax for 2 minutes. 
He will then take his pulse for 30 seconds, multiply by two, and record this as his "resting pulse." 
b) The experimenter will tap a pencil five times on the desk and immediately have the subject stand up and hop on one leg for 30 seconds. 
He will take his pulse rate again, double it and record it as "Hop #1." 
This procedure will be repeated four more times, and data recorded each time. 
c) Now the subject will sit and relax until his pulse returns to the initial resting pulse rate. 
The experimenter will then tap the pencil five times and the subject will take his pulse without having to hop. He will record the data.

Tying It All Together: The students and teacher will then discuss the experiments and answer the question 
"What is classical conditioning?" and identify: 
- unconditioned stimulus, 
- unconditioned response, 
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response.

Follow up with Pavlov video.  

Learning Sheet.

Little Albert Case and Video

Operative Conditioning Video

Monday 20 September 2010


a) Clique Handout with questions

Discuss answers:  Groups respond to this statement:
               "Hague High is a very cliquie".

                I agree   -    I disagree.

                Compile results

b) Handout assignment details with specific expectations.


See Clique section of textbook

Thursday 16 September 2010

Week 4

Write proposal

Handouts for survey, experiment, interview, topical research, observation

(Note: Find better examples for next year)

Article and questions 'Cliques'

To consider:  Individual vs Group choices

(where am I going with this?)

Due date for the project will be next Friday.

Establish minimum requirements for those doing research.


- Making better survey questions (should be able to do this by going over the handout given)
- How to analyse data
- Analysing sources, summarising through the creation of an annotated bibliography.

(in ela 8, don't forget to return to the idea of diction/edit work from Thursday/Friday)
 - e-mail Kevin requesting name of Hero's Journey Book.

Consider using Film to change the tide in this course.

Methodology type question that students should be able to answer:

The dependent variable in the experiment is the

a)    amount of aggressive behaviour exhibited by the children
b)   amount of time that each child spent interacting with the other children
c)    group in which each child was originally placed
d)   violent cartoon
e)    nonviolent cartoon

Thursday 9 September 2010

Handouts and matching excercise related to research methodology

Creation of own research questions

Introduction of the scientific method

Writing a research proposal (minimum 400 words)

From red Psych text (title?)

Story of the horse leading to 'What is bias'?
           (What sort of biases may be problematic in your inquiry?)

Gender and video game example from text
          (Note this is a good example of a write up of a study)

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Diet of Fish Responses

What is the scientific method.  Was it applied in this case?

Scientific method (teach)

Gender roles (and violence) - find the resources and consider an appropriate project.  Perhaps how to study.  Have students create an experiment +questionnaire.